Web Tech - Wordpress Security: Do Not Panic!

A half and last year educated us that WordPress security shouldn't be dismissed by any means. Between 15% and 20% of the planet's high traffic sites are powered by WordPress. The fact that it is an Open Source platform and everybody has access to its Source Code makes it a prey for hackers.

The clean hacked wordpress site Codex has an outline of what permissions are acceptable. Directory and file permissions can be changed either through an FTP client or within the administrative page from the hosting company.

Safeguard your login credentials - Do not keep your login credentials where they might be found by a hacker. Store them off, as well as offline. Roboform is for protecting them very good . Food for Clicking Here thought!

Exclude pages - This plugin provides a checkbox,"include this page in menus", which can be checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page won't appear in any listings of webpages (which contains, and is usually restricted to, your webpage navigation menus).

WordPress is one of the platforms for blogs and sites. While WordPress is pretty secure out of the box, there are always going to be individuals who wish to create trouble by next finding a way to crack into accounts or sites to cause harm or inject hidden spammy links. That is why it's important to make sure that your WordPress installation is as safe as possible.

But realize that security is something that you really need to start thinking about. Don't just be the type, take steps to start today protecting yourself. Do not let Joe the Hacker make your life miserable and turn all in creating come crashing down in a matter of moments that you've worked hard.

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